September 24, 2021

We updated our underwriting guidelines


Revised Attune BOP and Excess Guidelines

BOP Updates - Going live in early October

There have been a few changes with regards to acceptable exposures and available limits for our BOP products (Blackboard and Accredited) for new business. These changes are expected to be in effect in early October. Please find the highlighted changes below, everything else remains the same.

Note, these changes will also apply to renewal business at a later date to be communicated.

  • Maximum GL limits of $1M per occurrence or $2M per aggregate when providing liquor coverage
  • Restaurant codes with liquor are now capped at a maximum liquor receipts of 30% of total sales
  • Total Insured Value (TIV) Max per location has been amended to $4.75M
  • TIV Max per policy has been amended to $9.5M

XS Updates - Going live 09/25

In addition to these BOP changes, there has been a change to our Commercial Excess Liability Product (New Hampshire Insurance Company) for new business effective 09/25.

Note, this change will not impact renewal accounts.

  • Maximum Excess Limits of $2M

You might have some questions

How does this affect existing policies/renewals? The BOP changes will go into effect on Blackboard renewals in early October.  They will also apply to all Accredited renewals and rollover policies at their effective date. The change to Excess Liability limits does not apply to renewal business.

How does this affect new business? Any business quoted after the change is implemented will be subject to these new parameters.  

What about quotes with limits prior to these changes? We will honor quotes that were made before these changes went into effect.  

How are we handling endorsements? We cannot endorse any changes that are outside of these parameters.  

You can find the updated guidelines in the Attune Portal.