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Moratorium: California Flooding

3/31 Effective immediately, requests to change Blackboard BOP, Accredited BOP, and AIG Excess coverage (adding new business, any increase in limits or addition of new locations on existing business, or any changes

Moratorium: California Winterstorm

1/23 Effective immediately, the California Winterstorm moratorium is lifted. Please note our ongoing moratorium [] is still active in the following high hazard counties in CA: Nevada, Lake,

Welcoming 2023 with Exciting News

Attune entered 2023 renewed and more focused than ever on making insurance as easy as it should be. In pursuit of that goal, as of January 4th 2023, Attune is now part of

FL DOI Emergency Order Lifted

As of 11/28 FL DOI Emergency Order is lifted. Attune remains closed to new business in FL + LA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently, the Southeastern Coastal Region of the U.S. has become an increasingly