We updated our underwriting guidelines
09/24/2021 Revised Attune BOP and Excess Guidelines BOP Updates - Going live in early October There have been a few changes with regards to acceptable exposures and available limits for our
09/24/2021 Revised Attune BOP and Excess Guidelines BOP Updates - Going live in early October There have been a few changes with regards to acceptable exposures and available limits for our
A Moratorium for Tropical Storm Nicholas has been implemented for Blackboard and Accredited Policies. Read for more details.
Update -Wednesday, Sept. 8, 2021 The binding moratorium for Alabama and Mississippi lifted today. You may resume quoting and binding business in these areas. Any requests to bind new business quoted prior to
If you need assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team [https://app.attuneinsurance.com/help-center], and they will get back to you as soon as possible. We will operate with regular business hours
Effective immediately, requests to bind or request to increase BOP coverage in the following areas of California are under a binding moratorium until further notice. * 95636, 95666, 95667, 95684, 95720, 95721, 95726, 96150
Effective immediately, requests to bind or request to increase BOP coverage in the following areas of California are under a binding moratorium until further notice. * Zip Codes: 96020, 96137, 95923, 95947, 95942, 95984,