October 5, 2021

Coalition + Attune FAQ

Coalition + Attune FAQ

We're thrilled to announce were acquired by Coalition, Inc. (Coalition), a leading cyber insurance and security provider, combining comprehensive insurance and proactive cybersecurity tools to help businesses manage and mitigate cyber risk. Coalition is another insuretch committed to the broker, leveraging data analytics and technology to improve small business insurance.

Q: Who is Coalition?

A: Coalition Insurance is a leading provider of cyber insurance and security, combining comprehensive insurance and proactive cybersecurity tools to help businesses manage and mitigate cyber risk. Coalition provides companies with up to USD $15 million of cyber and technology insurance coverage in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, as well as CAD $20M of coverage across 9 provinces and 3 territories in Canada. Coalition's cyber risk management platform provides automated security alerts, threat intelligence, expert guidance, and cybersecurity tools to help businesses remain resilient in the face of cyberattacks.

Q: Who supports Coalition’s product?

A: Coalition’s products are offered with the financial security of Swiss Re Corporate Solutions* legal entities (A.M. Best A+ rating), Lloyd’s of London (A.M. Best A rating), Arch Specialty Insurance Company (A.M. Best A+ rating), and Argo Pro US** (A.M. Best A- rating).

Q: As an Attune customer, is there anything I need to do now?

A: Nope! This acquisition will not impact your current Attune experience. It’s making it even better. You'll still have access to the Attune Portal and products we offer.

Q: What’s next for Attune?

A: We’re working to bring you new products, classes, portal features, and carrier relationships. Together, we will bring you:

  • New products and classes faster
  • Continued commitment to risk management and new tools that make the brokers' life easier
  • Direct access to new carriers
  • New portal features and an even more streamlined functionality

Keep an eye out for more updates to come soon.

If you have additional questions, please contact your Attune representative or our Customer Care Team.