Attune Advantage FAQ

From Oct. 1 to Dec. 31, 2021, you have the ability to earn even more cash bonus for your agency by binding new business premium across all our products.

If your agency meets these thresholds, we’ll send you a one-time cash bonus!

  • $15,000 in Q4 New Business – earn an extra $1,500 bonus
  • $25,000 in Q4 New Business – earn an extra $2,500 bonus
  • $50,000 in Q4 New Business – earn an extra $5,000 bonus
  • $100,000 in Q4 New Business – earn an extra $10,000 bonus

You might have some questions:

What policies are eligible for this promotion? This promotion is across all Attune’s product offerings (new business only): Businessowners’ Policy+,  Businessowners’ Policy, , Workers’ Compensation, General Liability, Professional Liability, and Excess.

What does “new business” mean? New business is the number of new policies that are written by an insurance company in a particular period.

Are we basing threshold qualifications off effective or bind date? Bind date.

What happens if a policy cancels due to underwriting/billing? As outlined in the terms, this will not count towards the total.

If an agency earns a premium in between two thresholds, will it round up or down? It will round down.

When and how are we going to get paid? We’ll pay via the direct deposit on file with a scheduled send date on or before Friday, Jane. 28, 2021. We’ll send an email to your agency’s commission contact informing them the direct deposit is on its way.

Will this go on top of other bonuses, or are they excluded from the other bonus promotions? No, this one-time promotion bonus is separate from any other promotions or bonuses we currently/decide to run.

The clock’s ticking, and businesses are opening back up around the country. Don’t wait! Don’t wait! Head to the Attune Portal and get an admitted quote for your small business clients today.