Working with Attune Empowered this 5th-Generation Insurance Broker to Close Over $200,000 in Premium in Months

Mat Trawick has insurance in his DNA. Now a fifth-generation broker, his family has been helping families and businesses stay safe for over 125 years. After serving in a variety of different leadership roles - ranging from claims to underwriting and everything in between - this industry veteran decided to stand on his own two feet and launched Trawick Insurance last year.

Mat’s Goal - Become indispensable to his clients.

“I love helping people and solving problems. Creating strong relationships and customer loyalty is my main priority. I enjoy when my clients bring me complex scenarios. To me, the most important thing is finding ways to show my clients they are not a commodity.”

Mat’s Attune Experience - Saving Time, Earning Trust

“I always do my research before I work with anyone, and I was very impressed by how Attune’s technology was making the process so much faster. Working with Attune means saying goodbye to Acord forms, which is a huge time saver. You’re able to get quotes turned around incredibly quickly - sometimes the same day. Cutting out redundancies and duplicate efforts make your clients trust and value you in a way that used to take years to cultivate. Now, I can write and bind a dozen policies in an hour.”

A Partner that “Gets It”

“Unlike some other carriers, Attune values their brokers and makes an enormous effort to listen to feedback or issues. For example, I had one client that I ended up taking away from another carrier and bringing to Attune because there was some confusion over the location. The other guys wouldn’t listen, but I was able to have a meaningful dialogue with Attune and ultimately got my client an incredible policy in under 36 hours. A win-win-win. My client was thrilled, I showed my client I can go to bat for them, and Attune was happy too.

They’re also dedicated to updating their own platform. Any time I have a suggestion or feedback, the team works hard to fix it. With my other partners, I could never get anyone on the phone. But with Attune, they are always there to listen and get the job done.”

Smarter, Better Priced Policies

“Attune has been able to come in and offer my clients policies that are superior to anything we’ve been seeing. The coverage is not only excellent, it’s also very data-driven. I’m 20 miles away from any coastline, but for admitted carriers that don’t have the technology Attune has, they think I’m getting my feet wet every day! Attune’s pricing is very competitive, and about 90% of clients fall under their BOP policy.”

Mat’s Biggest Win Yet

“I recently closed one new big client, who is a very prominent founder of a well-known, multi-location restaurant chain in Georgia. He had been with his previous broker for over a decade, but I was able to win him over with the help of Attune in less than one week. His needs were complicated - lots of employees, millions in revenue, several properties in different areas - and I got him an incredible policy that not only fit his needs but also saved him money.”

The Result

Mat closed over $200,000 in premium in just a few months

With Attune, Mat is able to spend his time more efficiently by cutting down on wasted hours spent on paperwork and back-and-forth emails. Now, he can focus more on his ultimate goal of becoming indispensable to his clients.

“I think people in our industry can sometimes be resistant to technology and change, and Attune is certainly doing things differently. But for me, working with Attune has been an incredible force for improving efficiency and increasing revenue - and most importantly, creating loyalty with my clients.”

Feeling inspired by Mat’s story? Send a note to to have your agency featured in our next story.

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